Seafood Recipes From the Shrimp Peddler is a cookbook from the San Diego area stores of the same name. Here are all the delicious recipes from owners Sybil and Floyd Wilkins along with recipe contest winners from a Shrimp Peddler recipe contest.
Format: Softcover spiral bound, 91 pages.
Copyright: 1977
Publisher: The Shrimp Peddler
Author: The Shrimp Peddler
Description: The Shrimp Peddler sells quality seafood which has been tested by our staff, and a tasting panel of our customers. Good quality isn't enough! Seafood must then be properly prepared. Proper preparation, which is simple and exciting is the goal of this cookbook.
These recipes have been kitchen tested. Some recipes are winners from our recipe contest. These welcome additions were prepared and judged by Sybil and Floyd Wilkins. Other recipes are from friends who generously shared them with us. Still others are our own special favorites. All are truly delightful.
In addition to good recipes, we have included a section on general information and preparation which is designed to give you a "feel" for seafood. It is the result of 15 years of practical experience in seafood production, quality control, wholesaling, retailing and cooking. It's the answer to questions you, our customers, most frequently ask.
Use this cookbook and you will be rewarded with self-satisfaction and the knowledge seafood cookery is no mystery.
Condition: Good condition.