Top Chef The Quickfire Cookbook is autographed by chef Ryan Scott. The cookbook presents favorite Quickfire challenge recipes from the show.
Format: Hardcover, 224 pages.
Copyright: 2009
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Author: By the Creators of Top Chef
Description: Welcome, Top|Chef fans. Get ready to take on the Quickfire Challenge -- the hottest part of the show -- where speed is of the essence, the kitchen is scorching, and judgment is tough.
-The official Top|Chef The Quickfire Cookbook brings the best techniques and recipes of the snow's favorite Quickfires into your home kitchen, from shucking and saucing like a pro to whipping up Spike's Sensual Beef Salad and Hung's Chocolate Pie with Bananas. Exclusive interviews with the chef'testants, judges, and producers give you the behind-the-scenes dish, while tons of trivia quizzes and home Quickfire Challenges put your culinary chops to the test.
Better get cooking before it's utensils down, hands up.
Condition: Good condition.